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My friend

He disappears every night
And is gone all night long
I know not where he sleeps
Not sure if he himself knows

Then he shows up in the morning
At my doorstep very scared
Groggy and worried
Struggling to come awake

He also comes sometimes
Uninvited in my dreams


I have no way to stop him
As I struggle to tolerate him

Later in the day he stands
On each street corner
Waving about his arms
Managing the world’s traffic

He thinks he controls events
In this busy world
While the entire world
Really runs by itself
He likes to show people

His great ability and power

For he is terrified inside
That he has neither

He is so full of himself
Knows no other world
For him the world spins
With him at the center

Constantly judging and comparing
Always bettering another
Doesn’t understand the folly
Of demoralizing comparisons

He is argumentative and moody
Quarrelsome and meddlesome
Showy and nettlesome
Vain and boastful

People everywhere hate him
But he shows up each morning
At my doorstep with a sad face
Begging forgiveness for his sins

Wants to enter the house again
I reluctantly have to let him in
And be with him through the day

With his non-stop chatter

I remember how he cruelly
Separated me from my mother
I was a baby, pure and innocent
Until then a part of my mother

Each night he disappears again
I am in deep sleep with him gone
In blissful ignorance of him
And peace come to me full-on

But each morning I let him in
Despite his despicable ways

Only because I have known him
Since I was two years of age

He disappears every night
And is gone all night long
I know not where he sleeps
Not sure if he himself knows

Then he shows up in the morning
At my doorstep very scared
Groggy and worried
Struggling to come awake

He also comes sometimes
Uninvited in my dreams
I have no way to stop him
As I struggle to tolerate him

Later in the day he stands
On each street corner
Waving about his arms
Managing the world’s traffic

He thinks he controls events
In this busy world
While the entire world
Really runs by itself

He likes to show people
His great ability and power
For he is terrified inside
That he has neither

He is so full of himself
Knows no other world
For him the world spins
With him at the center

Constantly judging and comparing
Always bettering another
Doesn’t understand the folly
Of demoralizing comparisons

He is argumentative and moody
Quarrelsome and meddlesome
Showy and nettlesome
Vain and boastful

People everywhere hate him
But he shows up each morning
At my doorstep with a sad face
Begging forgiveness for his sins

Wants to enter the house again
I reluctantly have to let him in
And be with him through the day
With his non-stop chatter

I remember how he cruelly
Separated me from my mother
I was a baby, pure and innocent
Until then a part of my mother

Each night he disappears again
I am in deep sleep with him gone
In blissful ignorance of him
And peace come to me full-on

But each morning I let him in
Despite his despicable ways
Only because I have known him
Since I was two years of age